Welcome To Our Foreign Rights Page

PT Kanisius (Kanisius, Ltd.) was founded on January 26, 1922 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, as Canisius Drukkerij, an earliest offset printing house in Indonesia. Hereinafter known as publishing and printing house, then transformed into PT Kanisius on January, 2014.Experiencing more than 97 years as publishing and printing house, PT Kanisius strives to become professional publisher that actively participates in creating nationalist and dignified society in Indonesia through Kanisius’ qualified products.

PT Kanisius focuses to create products that in line with the vision, mission, and not containany discrimination materials. As publisher, Kanisius publishes text books, including philosophy and theology books, then religion books for Catholic Church. Kanisius also publishes school books that relate with educational curriculum and books for children with various themes, such as folktales, character building, life skills, both stories and activities books.

We like cooperating with every institutions, including foreign publishers, who have good intentions to give special and valuable moments for young generations through the books and reading habit. Our priority is encourage them to experience all good things that can improve their curiosity and creativity, sense of adventure, willingness to know and respect each others. We want to be one of Indonesia publishers who define proudly about Indonesia good literacy and cultures.

Among our products, we are ready to license our children’s books and novels. Please check our books here. If you need more information, would be our pleasure to give assistances. Let’s collaborate and create a better life through qualified books and reading habit.