Fly Away, Lintang!

Synopsis And Selling Point

Lintang is getting ready to join stilts race. This is his first race. Lintang is a bit nervous. In the middle of the race, Lintang is shaken and fallen down.  However, Lintang does not want to give up. Lintang wants to reach the finish line. Lintang thinks that he will not successfully complete his first stilts race, till an awesome spirit changes his mind in an unique way.

About The Author

Veronica W. is a freelance writer and editor living in Yogyakarta. Graduated from Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University. She worked as a reporter and writer at Bobo Magazine. Some children book she has written are The Secret of a Story, The Adventure of a Button, and the Eduventure Series Si Bolang. Writing children’s stories is an exciting adventure for her.

About The Illustrator

Hilman Makhluf is an illustrator from Kesesi, Pekalongan who decided to stay in Yogyakarta after graduating from DKV ISI Yogyakarta in 2017. His interest in the illustrations began when this little Hilman liked to draw at walls and wanted to have Digimon. However, because it was impossible, he decided to just draw it. Children book illustrations are chosen as a communication to show the passion of his life.






: 24

21 X 29 cm


: Available