Sinopsis and Selling Point
This novel is very smart and elegant. At the first glance when reading, people will fall forthe assumption that this is a romance novel, with an ordinary perspective, love triangle.This is seen in the initial chapters where Glen and Bram met with Ayuning and begin togrow the seeds of love between them. In the next chapter, triangular love feuds areobscured by conflicts that occur and are experienced by each character. Furthermore, insome parts, it was clearly shown how Glen and Ayuning’s relations continued to a quiteserious level. However, the readers will gradually be led into the core of the conflict of thisnovel.

About The Author
Benedict B. Triatmoko, SJ was born in Tanjung BalaiKarimun in 1965. He entered the Jesuit novitiate in 1984and was ordained priest in 1994. From 2000 to 2009 hewas the director of the Academy of Machinery Industry inSurakarta. In 2009 he was named the head of theAcademy of Machinery Industry Foundation. He wastrained in Philosophy, Theology in Jakarta and Manila. Hetook special studies in Manufacturing Technic, ComputerScience, and Business Management in Boston, USA.
: 160
: 12×18 cm
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: Available