Sinopsis and Selling Point
Dewfall is a story about a prince, named Dewabrata, who made a journey to find themagical flower utpala or the blue lotus, which can cure all hatred and bring back love tohumanity. In his journey he met a beautiful princess Dewi Amba and they both fell inlove. He also helped a village woman who later will become a warrior, named Wulandari.She loved Dewabrata, but gently he showed her that he already gave his promise toanother woman. What Dewfall is actually all about? It is about a spiritual journey of everyhuman being to find happiness and the purpose of his or her life on earth. Those are twothings we want most as human beings: happiness and meaning. Dewfall will show usthat the journey is unique to its individual as each one learns to see the spark of divinityin one’s soul.

About The Author
Benedict B. Triatmoko, SJ was born in Tanjung BalaiKarimun in 1965. He entered the Jesuit novitiate in 1984and was ordained priest in 1994. From 2000 to 2009 hewas the director of the Academy of Machinery Industry inSurakarta. In 2009 he was named the head of theAcademy of Machinery Industry Foundation. He wastrained in Philosophy, Theology in Jakarta and Manila. Hetook special studies in Manufacturing Technic, ComputerScience, and Business Management in Boston, USA.
: 176
: 12 x 18 cm
: 978-979-21-4057-6
: Available