Sinopsis and Selling Point
The stories of friendship between human and animals are always interesting toread throughout the ages. This book is a collection of stories of saints andanimals. The stories include the conquest of beasts that harm human being withthe help of God’s power, the sincere friendship between human and animals,being cherished by animals because of pity and purity of the heart. Also, storiestestimony of Christ’ followers through miracles in animals. Hopefully, by readingthe stories in this book, we and particularly our children will be able to follow thesaint’s kindness. Moreover, our faith in Christ will develop and grow mature.

About The Author
Agnes Bemoe was born in Surabaya, June 15, 1968. She started being a writer since July2010. Her first book was published in December 2010. After that, she had written severalchildren’s books.
About The Illustrator
Fajar Sungging graduated from Indonesia Institute of Arts, known as Institut SeniIndonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta, Department of Fine Arts in 1996. Since then, he has beenworking in the field of design and photography. Since 2004, he has been written graphicnovels, such as Godam Reborn 1-3, several comics’ compilations, and comic aboutstruggling: tThe Long March of Siliwangi Division. Now he prefers writing stories forcomics, including comic strips for Kompas newspaper since 2013.
: 112
: 23,5×22 cm
: –
: Available