Sinopsis and Selling Point
Mendut is a small village at Elo riverbank, Magelang, Central Java. It is remarkable placefor those who know the history, learn from it, and enjoy its fruits. In 1908, there was a greatCatholic dormitory for girls in Mendut. The girls who lived at dormitory consists of thestudents of kindergarten school, Hollandsch-Inlandsche School (HIS)or primary school,Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO) or high school and Kweekschool school orschool for teachers. The Virgins of Mendut, a historical novel, is written based on the validdata and facts of life related to the first generation’s education of Catholic girls in thedormitory. This novel becomes a literary monument and perpetuates the history of theCatholic Church in Java before the beginning of World War II. By using simple butstraightforward language, Mangunwijaya could delivered the problems of education,young women, emancipation, human relationship, friendship, and love in the storysmoothly and attractively.

About The Author
Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya, Pr (1929– 1999). He was graduated from the Philosophy ofheology Institute of Yogyakarta in 1959, and was graduated from the School of Engineering -hein-Westfalen, Aachen, Germany in 1966. In 1978 he followed a Fellow of Aspen Institute forumanistic Studies, Aspen, USA. Many of his writings have been published as books, and manyf his articles have been published in various media. His book entitled Literature and Religiosityon the first prize of the Jakarta Arts Council for essay category, in 1982. While the Manyar Birdson the South East
: 204
: 12×18 cm
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