Sinopsis and Selling Point
Albertus Rahadi is a Javanese man cherished by his family for dedicating his life topriesthood. His family is overjoyed when he tells them he wants to join the seminary. Fora devout Catholic family, having a priest from the family is a sign that God is pouringdown His blessing to them. Above all this, Rahadi is a sharp-witted, strong, and gorgeousmale. After being ordained as a priest, he is sent to study abroad. There, he meetsHildegard, a French girl, born and raised in Vietnam. Spending her hole life in Hanoi, Hildehas culturally been estranged from Europe, her parents’ homeland. Feeling lost after herfather’s death, she seeks a foothold in the figure of Father Rahadi. Unfortunately, thisphysically and sexually attractive man vibrating with life is a Catholic priest, bound by avow of hastity and celibacy. In a hilariously playful and intellectually-charged romancenovel entitled Romo Rahadi, Father Mangunwijaya combines passionate emotions andlogical consideration in his storytelling. This exceptional novel depicts the strugglebetween being a mere man and being a man of God embedded in the character andflesh of a priest.

About The Author
Yusuf Bilyarta Mangunwijaya, Pr (1929– 1999). He was graduated from the Philosophy ofheology Institute of Yogyakarta in 1959, and was graduated from the School of Engineering -hein-Westfalen, Aachen, Germany in 1966. In 1978 he followed a Fellow of Aspen Institute forumanistic Studies, Aspen, USA. Many of his writings have been published as books, and manyf his articles have been published in various media. His book entitled Literature and Religiosityon the first prize of the Jakarta Arts Council for essay category, in 1982. While the Manyar Birdson the South East
: 204
: 12×18,5 cm
: 978-979-21-5159-6
: Available