Dancing in the Storm

Sinopsis and Selling Point This novel is very smart and elegant. At the first glance when reading, people will fall forthe assumption that this is a romance novel, with an ordinary perspective, love triangle.This is seen in the initial chapters where Glen and Bram met with Ayuning and begin togrow the seeds of love between […]

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Daddy’s Shoes Choice

Sinopsis and Selling Point Nino wants to have the newest sport shoes which are expensive. His father’s money is notenough to buy those shoes. Nino gets cranky all day until his father takes him to the shoestore to try out the shoes. Nino is willing not to have his pocket money in order to help

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Daddy’s Fountain of Pigtails

Sinopsis and Selling Point Dinda would love to be close to her father. Her father is soldier, he is seldom at home,and has a scary thick moustache. Dindais envious of herbrother who is close to theirfather. Dinda thinks that her father loves her brother more than he loves her becausethey have the same gender.Unexpectedly, her

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