Sinopsis and Selling Point
“The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and onthe third day rise again.” School-aged children and teenagers, here is the complete storyof Jesus’ birth, ministry, teaching, misery, last breath, and resurrection. Recognize himbetter and strengthen your faith while enjoying the classic hand-drawn comicillustration.

About The Author
Matheus started his activities as an artist in 1965 as soon as he graduated from Akademi Senupa Indonesia (Indonesian Fine Arts Academy) – Yogyakarta. He participated in the making oome dioramas in Monumen Nasional (National Monument) as well as some statues in Jakartae also has some experience in printing and publishing business during 1977– 1986 as anustrator, lay outer, editor, and production manager. He then decided to leave the job andcused to his basic interest as an artist. In 2003, he got his ‘first call’ to serve the Lord in his ownay. He made his dream come true by constructing this Comic Bible.
About The Illustrator
Fajar Sungging graduated from Indonesia Institute of Arts, known as Institut SeniIndonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta, Department of Fine Arts in 1996. Since then, he has beenworking in the field of design and photography. Since 2004, he has been written graphicnovels, such as Godam Reborn 1-3, several comics’ compilations, and comic aboutstruggling: tThe Long March of Siliwangi Division. Now he prefers writing stories forcomics, including comic strips for Kompas newspaper since 2013.
: 118
: 29,7×21 cm
: –
: Available